Saturday, July 17, 2010

Tuba Duet

Not much to say about this one. I just need to schedule more time for myself to do this.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Flash Back

I hate doing this but I got preoccupied and forgot to write today so here is a short piece I wrote probably when I first got Finale. I guess it's good that I'm doing this so that I can actually keep track of the dates of future things.

The piano here was originally organ but that took over the tuba too much.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Flute Choir

This is my try at a flute choir. It's split into 4 parts (SATB) using piccolo, flute, alto flute, and bass flute. Thinking back on it now the piccolo probably should have been an octave higher. I know for next time though.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Once More

Quick and moderately folksy (if that's a word) was my aim for this.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


I had an idea of what I wanted to do today. I was originally thinking of a bird or someone at the edge of a cliff. This was my interpretation of the bird standing at the edge. The majority of it is before the actual flight with hopefully what comes across as tension rises. The actual flight is much shorter than the rest. I don't know whether or not it should be longer or not.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Sweet Dreams?

This is my attempt to write a lullaby type piece. I wanted it to have a turn as if someone was having a bad dream. Not a nightmare, just something darker in tone.
I was thinking about this idea after reading a Neil Gaiman short story. It's in his anthology called Smoke and Mirrors. It's the last story.

I might try this again later after I take more composition lessons. I like it and I have a lot more ideas that would go well with it that I just don't know how to pull off right now

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Slack Waltz

Well my internet went out for a couple of days. I kind of used that to as an excuse to slack off until now. Here is something that I hope makes up for the days I lost. It was inspired by the game Bioshock.

More of an homage really... if I'm using the word correctly.
I don't care